Prepare Your Personal Watercraft for Winter | Service in Lincoln ^
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Tips to Prepare Your Personal Watercraft for Winter

Riding a personal watercraft

With cooler temperatures moving in, and summer days behind us, it is time to prepare your water vehicles for the coming months. Elway Powersports of Lincoln is your go to adventure vehicle location, and we are committed to not only providing an impressive inventory of watercrafts, but assisting you in maintaining yours as well. 

As you gear up for winter weather be sure to prep your watercraft to ensure it is ready to go when summer comes back around. Check out our tips for preparing your Jetski for winter!

New Personal Watercraft

Drain the Engine

Water stuck in the engine will negatively impact the vessel if it sits for too long. To ensure it is drained properly you will need to start with the vehicle on its trailer with the front end higher than the bottom. Using short intervals, turn the handle back and forth with the engine running. This will push out any excess water in the engine.

Fill and Oil the Watercraft

Once you have your watercraft out of the water, you should top off the fuel tank. Use a fuel stabilizer to help avoid any corrosion. Turn your watercraft on and check for any leaks, if you see anything out of the ordinary, we encourage you to schedule a service appointment. 

Next, change your oil. This will help you avoid erosion as your vehicle sits for a few months. While you are here, add lubricant to the moving parts to help ensure they will smoothly move after sitting stagnant. 

Remove the Battery 

Even while your vehicle is not being used, power can be taken from the battery. It is also normal for batteries to lose charge over time. Remove the battery and store in a dry place so that it will be ready for use in the future. 

Store your Watercraft

Now that you have taken steps to prepare the mechanics of your watercraft to sit, you can move it to a safe place for storage. We recommend that you store your vehicle in a secure space and cover it so that you can minimize sun, wind, and elemental damages. 

Schedule Service in Lincoln

If you would like further assistance in preparing your watercraft, do not hesitate to visit our Lincoln dealership. With any questions do not hesitate to contact us online. You can conveniently schedule a service appointment with Elway Powersports of Lincoln online!

New Personal Watercraft